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grey icon laptop with a lightball


Jul enjoys working on many projects. Projects can also be an excellent way for us to start working together.

  • Independent Contractor Websites
  • Email marketing templates
  • Website content updates
  • Social media content plan and template design
  • File organization
  • Business system setup
  • Research projects

If you have a different project in mind, please let us know, and we can discuss some options.

Projects can start at any time, depending on my availability. I provide an estimate for project-based work. Check out my services or portfolio.

grey icon laptop with a wrench

Ongoing Retainer

Ongoing fractional marketing and admin support allow you to focus on your customers/clients. I’ll handle the marketing work in the background.

  • Email marketing
  • Blog management
  • Social media graphics
  • Graphic design
  • Digital ad management
  • Business systems maintenance
  • Document proofing
  • Project management

I work in four-week cycles for a set number of hours per cycle for fractional ongoing work.